Hours spent playing action video games may not be as mindless as many parents think. Whether it's Spiderman or Grand Theft Auto 3 or others, the fast-moving action of the games seems to improve a range of visual skills.
"Although video-game playing may seem to be rather mindless, it is capable of radically altering visual processing," Daphne Bavelier, of the University of Rochester in New York, said in a letter to the science journal Nature.
纽约罗彻斯特大学的达芙妮贝弗利尔在致科学杂志《自然》的信中说:“看起来,玩电子游戏是件乏善可陈的事情,但它却能从根本上改善视像处理能力。” In four experiments Bavelier and her colleague discovered that people who played video games several times a week for six months could monitor complex visual information more easily than non-game players. But when the researchers gave novices 10 hours of training on the game Medal of Honor, they improved their visual processing skills.
贝弗利尔和同事做了4次实验,他们发现:与不玩游戏的人相比,那些在半年里每周玩几次电子游戏的人能更轻松地处理复杂的视觉信息。不过,在研究者们用《荣誉勋章》游戏对新手们进行了10小时的培训之后,后者的视像处理能力也有所改进。 "By forcing players to simultaneously juggle a number of varied tasks (detect new enemies, track existing enemies and avoid getting hurt, among others) action-video-game playing pushes the limits of three rather different aspects of visual attention," Bavelier said.
(责任编辑:林嘉豪 )