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Owlet(Owlet Baby Care)是一家生产婴儿护理产品的公司,在售产品有亲子装、婴儿袜子、婴儿帽子等。最新推出的产品是智能婴儿袜,是一款能监控婴儿健康状态的智能可穿戴设备。
Owlet介绍如下:The Owlet Vitals Monitor checks a child’s vital statistics and wirelessly transmits them to a web enabled device. You can check your child’s blood oxygen levels, skin temperature, and heart rate levels at any time, day or night.This technology not only allows you to casually monitor your child’s health statistics, it also gathers the data, analyzes it for abnormal health patterns, determines potential problems, and displays the information in a visually appealing format that can easily be shared with your pediatrician.One of the most useful features on the Owlet Vitals Monitor is its ability to measure a child’s sleep patterns based on their body’s internal signs. These signs are difficult for parents to observe without a measurement device. Our monitor can watch your child throughout the night so you don’t have to!